EAI making news in Nigeria
EAI is training media producers in Nigeria to counter violent extremism, and the story was picked up by Arewa Agenda, a major news source for northern Nigeria.

“According to [EAI] Program Officer Mansur Kurugu, the Media has been a major player in bringing lasting peace in Nigeria through Social and Behavioral Change Communication and Alternative Messaging.
He says Equal Access International places people at the centre of all its programming, it adopted the use of new and mainstream media in countering violent extremism, providing alternative narratives, building resilience of the conflict affected communities and fosters power in people to lead the transformative social change in their communities. Through its transmedia hub called Farar Tattabara, Equal Access Nigeria produced over 500 original episodes of its programs since 2017 in partnership with 21 radio stations across 19 northern states of Nigeria.”
Read the rest of the article here.